A few years ago, I (Robin) became aware of the betrayal that was happening in my marriage. As I began to walk through the destruction that followed, I sought the Lord wholeheartedly. With the help of wise mentors, Christian counsel, and a support group Bible study for betrayed wives, my heart began to heal. My sister, Christy, was devastated to hear about my marriage, but knew on a practical level, there weren’t many ways to help. Because she knew that God needed to be the primary focus in my recovery process, she became my spiritual cheerleader, reminding me daily of God’s love for me. Christy encouraged me to write my story first for my own healing, and then for a broader audience.
As an English major, Christy has always been an excellent writer. She helped me write winning scholarship application essays in high school, proofread every one of my college papers, and often assists me when I need to communicate something in a professional manner. So, once we figured out that we had a future book on our hands, writing quickly became a team effort. Over the last year and a half, Christy and I have shared a Google document where we organize thoughts, write, research, comment, and chat. She wrote from California and I wrote from Texas. Sometimes, we stayed up way too late, becoming giddy and laughing hysterically at sentences that no longer remain in our manuscript. Who is God Now? Hope in God after Betrayal is the result of this collaboration.
After seeing God’s love, trustworthiness, and healing firsthand, it’s become my heart’s desire to share truths about God’s character with women who are on the journey of betrayal recovery.
“Who is God now? God hasn’t changed, my friend. He’s the same all-powerful, all-knowing Father He was before you and I were betrayed; and He will continue to be. It’s His character.”
Robin Wilson & Christy Bottom